
Gas Articles

Meeting Your Needs: Upgrading or Downgrading Your Gas Supply

27th November 2012 written by Richard Hearne in the category Gas Articles

Your gas supply will be essential to the successful running of your business and without it it’s inevitable that your daily life would be seriously affected. Of course, it’s not simply a case of having or not having a gas supply that makes a difference; the amount of gas that your gas pipe can deliver may be a crucial factor for your business  Does Your Gas Supply Meet Your New Requirements? Here at 1Gas we understand that as your business changes, it is possible that your gas requirements could also change. If you were expanding a restaurant, for example, to house more appliances or converting an office building to a different purpose, the chances are that your gas needs would increase or decrease. Upgrading Your Gas Supply If your property requires a larger gas supply as a result of recent changes to the building’s purpose then you should be thinking about upgrading; here at 1Gas we are experts when it comes to gas alterations and we can offer valuable advice about the best course of action. If you let us know your new gas demand in kilowatts, we can provide you with a free quote. Thinking about Downgrading? Downgrading is […]

How Long Does It Take To Get A Gas Connection?

26th November 2012 written by Richard Hearne in the category Gas Articles

The waiting time for procuring a new gas connection might take longer than you expect, and the timescales involved can take some people by surprise. The reasons for this varies, but in general consist of the following: – How long it takes for a detailed quote design to be created. – The local council and gas network providing their permission for works to proceed. – How far in advance engineers are booked up.

Where Can I Buy A Gas Meter?

written by Richard Hearne in the category Gas Articles

You may be under the illusion that going through a gas supplier is the only route to having a gas meter installed but this isn’t true. Gas meters come in different sizes and shapes and can be bought from a variety of different places so long as the engineers who carry out the works and their instructing company are suitably qualified and have the relevant licences. 1Gas use approved contractors and we can arrange for gas meters to be installed with freedom to shop around for a gas supply agreement. In order to have a commercial gas meter fitted you must know what size meter you require or your peak demand of gas. You also need to arrange a gas supply agreement to be put in place. Usually we require the results of a gas pipe check carried out by an engineer to confirm the gas pipe is suitable prior to an engineer visiting site.  If you are a domestic customer a gas supplier can usually offer a free gas meter when you set up a supply contact with them. At 1Gas we strive to offer a fast and efficient service to install your gas meter within 7-10 days of accepting […]

Who Can Provide The Cheapest Gas Meters?

written by Richard Hearne in the category Gas Articles

At 1Gas we offer very competitive pricing and a comprehensive range of gas meters including ‘standard’ and ‘non standard’ meters. In other words, a ‘standard’ meter can be taken off a shelf, whereas a ‘non standard’ meter is often custom built or particularly large.  We can provide bespoke gas meters to suit your needs, alongside gas meter housings (sometimes known as meter kiosks) and concrete bases. We can provide low and medium pressure meters too. Below is a breakdown of the most common meters installed and the capacity of kilowatts they can provide (subject to the gas service pipe from the mains): U6 (0 kW- 65 kW) U16 (66 kW – 173 kW) U25 (174 kW – 271 kW) U40 (272 kW – 433 kW) U65 (343 kW – 704 kW) U100 (705 kW – 1083 kW) U160 (1084 kW – 1733 kW) Some gas suppliers and meter providers may charge many hundreds or thousands of pounds over the going rate for a meter installation and their service may be less than helpful too. Here at 1Gas we aim to provide the best customer service possible and can often install your gas meter at just a fraction of some competitors’ […]

What Does A Gas Meter Do?

written by Richard Hearne in the category Gas Articles

Ever wondered what a gas meter is needed for or how a gas meter works? A meter is a device that is able to measure the flow of gas. They are used in homes as well as commercial and business properties. There are three main types of gas meters: a turbine meter  (mainly used to measure gas in large industries), rotary meters (which are more precise, can hold more volume of gas and work at a higher pressure) and diaphragm meters which come in some off the shelf sizes: U6, U16, U25, U40, U65, U100 and U160. A U6 can normally deliver up to around 64 kilowatts of gas and a U160 can deliver up to around 1700 kilowatts (kW). The most common type of gas meter is a diaphragm meter that has two chambers formed by flexi diaphragms that expand and contract like a pump. Gas meters are important as they ensure that there is safe pressure coming from the gas mains supply and ensure that gas usage is monitored for billing purposes.

What Is A GT1 (Gas Transporter 1) Test?

25th November 2012 written by Richard Hearne in the category Gas Articles

If you are need a gas installation and realise there is a gas pipe feeding your property, you may wonder how to get a gas meter fitted.   There are millions of gas service pipes in the UK that connect properties to gas mains, which run through England, Scotland, Wales, and also the Isle of Wight.   To access gas, a meter is required to monitor how much energy is used and to regulate the pressure. From time to time, some gas pipes no longer have a meter attached, either due to theft, vandalism, unpaid bills by previous occupants, or simply because gas is no longer required.   How to find out if a gas pipe is live In order to reconnect a gas meter, it’s normally necessary or advisable to check if the gas pipe is live, and other more detailed information. There are two checks which can be carried out:   One is a live or dead check, which as the name suggests, simply confirms if there is live gas in the service pipe.   The other is called a GT1 which stands for Gas Transporter 1. We like to call them gas pipe checks at 1Gas. Details […]

Gas Connection Technical Terms Explained

18th November 2012 written by Richard Hearne in the category Gas Articles

If you’re looking for gas connection services or a gas meter installation, technical jargon can be confusing. It’s possible you may not understand some technical terms and it’s unfair of companies to expect you to; in fact, some companies will even use this jargon in a deliberate attempt to confuse you. Here at 1Gas we take pride in the aiming to offer better customer service and that includes ensuring our customers understand every step of the process. We’ve put together a quick guide to help you get to grips with the technical terms that you’ll need to know: AMR – this stands for an Automated Meter Reading. An AMR is a device that is fitted to the top of your gas meter to monitor usage; this data is then sent to your gas supplier. An AMR eliminates the need to physically read the gas meter. ECV – is an Emergency Control Valve. This valve does what it says on the tin; the wheel or lever allows the gas to be turned off before the gas meter in an emergency situation. The size of this valve is usually checked during a GT1 or as we like to call it, a Gas […]

How Long Will A Gas Meter Installation Take?

30th October 2012 written by Richard Hearne in the category Gas Articles

If you’re working to a strict time schedule then timescales are vitally important. This latest new posts explains the usual timescales you can expect with 1Gas.

Why 1Gas Should Be your 1st Call for Meter Installations

26th September 2012 written by Richard Hearne in the category Gas Articles

1Gas provide a service that is second to none, and with a list of highly satisfied customers there are many reasons why a our meter installations are 1st choice.

Gas Meter Connections and Installations for New Businesses

12th September 2012 written by Richard Hearne in the category Gas Articles

If you’re setting up a new business, you’ll need gas meter connection and installation and this latest post from 1Gas gives you all the information you need.